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Never Up, Never In – Golf & Direct Mail

The term “Never up, never in” is used in golf meaning that unless a putt is struck hard enough to reach the hole it has no chance of falling into the cup.

Something similar applies when you’re doing direct mail. A mailing that doesn’t get opened—and read—has no chance of generating a response. People are busy and if they perceive your mailing as irrelevant they won’t even open it, let alone read it.

If you want your mailer opened and read you have to answer the question in your prospect’s mind which is“What’s in it for me?”. If you follow the steps below your mailer will stand a far better chance of getting a response.

  1. Make The Envelope Standout – ensure you send it in a brighly coloured envelope. Personalised print on the outside of the envelope such as “Sarah – important information enclosed” will increase the chance of getting it opened.
  2. Write An Attention-grabbing Headline – now they have got the envelope open be sure not to disappoint them. For example, if you have a will-writing business you could say “The £100,000 Tax Loophole You Must Take Advantage Of In Your Will”.
  3. Create A Special Offer– as a way of thanking your reader to take the trouble to read this far ensure you have a special offer for them. The days of “10% off your next purchase” are no longer any good. Instead, create a value proposition such as “Free Potted Plants With Every Lawn Cut In June”.
  4. Call To Action – be very specific on what you want people to do in order to take up your offer. Do not rely on them trying to find your contact details from the back of the mailer and have a clear call to action such as “Call us NOW on 01923 232593 to take advantage of this fantastic offer!”.
  5. Have A Deadline – people have a habit of putting things off unless you compel them to take action by a certain time. So always, have an expiry date on your offer.

The above tips should ensure you get a great response from your next mailing. If you would like some help in increasing the response rates from your direct mail then contact us and we will be able to design and print a direct mail campaign that simply can’t be ignored.

After all, we are Dedicated To Response!

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