A Northern Ireland council has made an apostrophe gaffe costing the taxpayer £1200 in reprints.
Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council’s grammatical error appeared on an advert for a performance of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.

The council chose to reprint its promotional material – a spokesperson said it was the right thing to do as the event was a celebration of a literary giant. Money was spent on reprinting advertising boards, flyers, posters and window vinyls.
It’s a shame they did not print all this with D2R as we would have pointed out the mistake in the first place as our team are always keeping their eyes peeled for any issues in our customers’ artwork.
For printing with the apostrophe in the right place, come to D2R and avoid reprints to get a better response.
After all, we are Dedicated to Response!