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Knowledge Centre

Not sure about the weight of paper? The ‘grams per square metre’ or gsm of paper can have little meaning if you...
Have you been asked to provide a print ready file that includes bleed, and might not know what that is?...
You’ve read about the benefits of a custom branded QR code, and now there is another option to consider: should...
Have you got your estimate, agreed on material and quantity, all ready to place your printing order until you realize-...
Changes can be made and approved very suddenly, so a lot of architects and builders need to be able to...
A cost effective, durable signage solution that is going to be more attractive than a laminated sheet of A4 stickytaped...
Ever had a fight to get your office printer to just print out one(just the ONE! when you’re in a...
The term print-ready artwork still remains a mystery for almost all people who buy print and even some designers who...
Have you ever felt like you’re not getting the response you want when you hand someone your business card? It...
This article explores five things you must look for in a print supplier and if they tick all these boxes...


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